Terms of Use

Confidentiality Statement and Policy

The information contained on this website (the “Confidential Information”), including, without limitation, annual and quarterly reports and other information regarding the business, operations and financial condition of Optio Holdings (the “Company”) managed directly or indirectly by Optio Capital Management (“OCM”) is highly confidential. By visiting the Company's website you hereby agree, subject to applicable law, to strictly maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information in accordance with the terms set forth below.

The Confidential Information is for use only by investors (the “Investors”) in the Company and shall be maintained in strict confidence. Any disclosure of the Confidential Information to persons other than the Investors (other than as permitted below) could be damaging to Company and its affiliates, successors and assigns; and, consequently, the confidentiality of the Confidential Information must be maintained. You agree (i) to use the Confidential Information solely for the purpose of monitoring your investment(s) in one or more of the Company's assets and to not use the Confidential Information for any other purpose, including, without limitation, use in conducting or furthering your own business or that of any affiliate or any business that is competitive with Company or any of its affiliates, and (ii) to not, without the prior express written consent of Company, reproduce the Confidential Information or any portion thereof in any manner for, or disclose any such Confidential Information in any manner to, any person other than such individuals affiliated with an Investor (including such Investor’s consultants, representatives and agents) who have a reason to have access to the Confidential Information in connection with their duties and responsibilities with respect to such Investor’s investment in a CrossHarbor Fund and are bound by a duty of confidentiality.

In order to limit disclosure of any Confidential Information to persons or entities that are not Investors, you agree to retain copies of Confidential Information for only as long as is necessary. Whenever possible you agree to review the Confidential Information online. If it is necessary to print all or some part of the Confidential Information, you agree to dispose of those copies at your earliest convenience. Company has adopted this CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT AND POLICY in order to protect Company and its affiliates, the Investors in Company and the Confidential Information. If you have any questions regarding treatment of any Confidential Information, please contact us at your convenience.